I just started work after 2 months maternity leave + extra 3 weeks off.
I was a good start. I joined the Malaysian negotiation team for the 9th round negotiation of (i cant tell you what) with the Government of New Zealand. The session stretches from 23 to 26 Feb 2009. It started from 9am to 9pm. Everyday. Tense. But it is a good feeling to have after a long relaxing holiday.
Last time I involved in the same session with the United States for one solid week. And next month, I will meet the team from Australia pulak. Mmm...
But the best thing is - in the middle of the craziness in the negotiation room - I am able to expressed 300ml during the day. So, no worry about the "supply". I got another 3 litres in the deep fridge :o)
The baazar on the 26th? Well, someone else will take care of it.
Bye for now. I need to tune my head for the session tomorrow (read = sleep).
I was right
Refer to my previous entry: Will there be WW3? Finally, common sense
prevails. The US and Iranian leadership chose the right path: immediate
5 years ago