It is hard to believe Nabil is already FOUR (Well, it is still hard to believe I already have 3 KIDS *wink* sungguh laju). It was all happened very fast. Two days prior, baby Nazran turned ONE. Yay! Two birthdays in one week.I have a greaatttttttttt ideas for their party decoration. But, we have yet to pick a date.
The preparation went smoothly. Be it for the costume for the whole family or the Retro hall itself. Kudos to all, esp the decoration team. I know you guys worked hard towards the end. Now, let's talk about the baju. I've spent quite some times to search for the right retro cloth for my kids. To no avail. Since I decided to be a hippie myself, so, I bought two tie-n-dye mini dresses and transformed them to be a little hippie shirt for my boys. It only took a few hours. Skill : Basic. Then, the dress for me. Tie-n-dye. I planned to make my own, but since I am pretty occupied with piles of work, so, I bought it. I have different [great] plan, but it turned out to be otherwise. The combination was actually disastrous, well, hippie to combine with the classic 70s granny look, but since people liked it, well, I dont mind bringing back the hamper :o) [thank you! thank you!] So, I assume I managed to pull it off, despite constant mumbling by my sister - "what is so retro about your dressing?", "how do you define retro by this?" and bla bla bla... It was actually amusing.HEHE. I dont eat much because I am wearing a [very] high heels and my mom's sunglasses. Disoriented and pretty hard to balance. So a trip to the *yummy* stall outside the hall seems impossible. LOL.
Retro Night Aftermath : The queen is folding the vinyl floor cover. Permaisuri2kan selalu kena buat kerja amal...
I was right
Refer to my previous entry: Will there be WW3? Finally, common sense
prevails. The US and Iranian leadership chose the right path: immediate