Sunday, January 17, 2016

oh yes, our first snow!

I just have to leave my books and join my kids running outside! 

Friday, January 1, 2016

life goes on

The kids are sleeping, since last year.

just now...
- Watching crazy new year celebration fireworks with my husband (the perk of living on the hill, you can see the Manchester city horizon from your bedroom window).

- I continue doing my critical essay.
- Husband continue listening to Yusof Islam.


Time machine

All this while, we have gadgets in our possession which we didnt have any idea that they are time machines. We have TWO of them in this house!! But they only work once a year in a very specific site, and yes, they work in Manchester.

Right now, my husband is using the time machine to connect with his parent. The kids are so excited talking with their grandparent who are living in the year 2016 while we are still in the year 2015!!  

How cool is that to be able to talk with people from the FUTURE! Time machines are awesome!

#newyearjoke #malaysiamanchester #skypeonsmartphone #hashtagsforthosewhodidntgetthejoke