Saturday, January 31, 2009

why hiatus mode?

because i am having a blast with my family :o)

i took 3 extra weeks off from work after 2 months maternity leave. Main reason : we are trying our best to adjust to our new life with the new member of the family. My husband is a stay-at-home dad (yeah, very rare), he makes the transitional period VERY interesting.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


It is online y'all!!!
(well now I have to add another site to my updating list everyday...)

You can now view our products and place your order online.
Set the payment method to COD and you can pay via Maybank2u.
If you have discount code, enter the code in "note" section.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Got these for my kids.
I dont buy attire with cartoon or animal prints for my kids (yeah, you saw them wore it once or twice - those are gifts). but this time, i just cant say no :o)

It wasnt much of the print tho. It was the monkey pant cutting that melts me. Thanks Steph!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


This is my one month old baby (OK, his kaki only), modelling for Wear Me bootie.

Jangan contohi aku

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku,
Ampunkanlah aku kerana mengeksploitasikan anak bujangku untuk buat iklan ini... Amin.