Saturday, January 31, 2009

why hiatus mode?

because i am having a blast with my family :o)

i took 3 extra weeks off from work after 2 months maternity leave. Main reason : we are trying our best to adjust to our new life with the new member of the family. My husband is a stay-at-home dad (yeah, very rare), he makes the transitional period VERY interesting.


Unknown said...

stok susu mama ya kak?

Nabell said...

huhu. iya. nk try EBF sampai 2 tahun :o)

farra said...

wow.. lama tue... nak tips.. how to make my milk cukup for my babay... :) sb sekarang nie aku full brestfeed tapi tak boleh pump kalau pump tak cukup dah untuk dia makan...

art said...

try minum milkmaid tea utk boost milk supply. utk anak 2nd dulu aku beli online from (byk juga tips dlm website tu). aku pump awal pagi, noon and tgh mlm, usually bila babay dah tidur. kalau dah pump, still ada susu utk dia minum, bukannya empty terus. bila ada demand, time tu akan ada supply :o) InsyaAllah.

Teacher Lina said...

nuyu, nuyu, tak sangka,(smbil gelengkn kepala).bukan stakat tahu silat je, bnyk tul projek awak plak tu.tringin nak visit ur shop.

Nabell said...

Hai KAK FAD!!!!! tq tq. Store saya online je (