HAAAPPPYY BELATED BITHDAY!! My dearest fren..Yes I do remember but too busy to wish. mana nak lupa every year dok ingat nk kena buat E_filing by this date. But I only started it this year.. hehehe Your crochet bag from bebola baju tu superb idea la..psst.. bleh aku tau present aku tu capasity berapa liter? I have agreed to sponsor my home made cake for bro in law wedding this july.. konon nk buat kek 2 tingkat tp my current oven bleh muat 8 inch diameter je..huhu Btw hadiah ko nanti aku work sumthing k? hahahahaha
Ish... malu aku. aku kena check dulu. aku rasa tak besar. around that size je kot. hehe.. nanti aku sms bila aku free and buleh ketemu. skrg weekends sgt2 la occupied.
I was right
Refer to my previous entry: Will there be WW3? Finally, common sense
prevails. The US and Iranian leadership chose the right path: immediate
HAAAPPPYY BELATED BITHDAY!! My dearest fren..Yes I do remember but too busy to wish. mana nak lupa every year dok ingat nk kena buat E_filing by this date. But I only started it this year.. hehehe
Your crochet bag from bebola baju tu superb idea la..psst.. bleh aku tau present aku tu capasity berapa liter? I have agreed to sponsor my home made cake for bro in law wedding this july.. konon nk buat kek 2 tingkat tp my current oven bleh muat 8 inch diameter je..huhu Btw hadiah ko nanti aku work sumthing k? hahahahaha
Ish... malu aku. aku kena check dulu. aku rasa tak besar. around that size je kot. hehe.. nanti aku sms bila aku free and buleh ketemu. skrg weekends sgt2 la occupied.
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