I have less than 24 hours to prepare for a function @ Istana Negara. Called Nani around 7pm, went to her house at almost 10pm and she got the right baju kebaya songket for me. With a matching SELENDANG. A must-have for attending any Palace's function. Thank you. Thank you. Lucky enough, my husband have the matching baju melayu set.
(I left my camera inside the car since I only brought a tiny evening clutch - hence no photo during the function).

oit.. mana nya gambo full dress?? gambo peha sajeh!!!! frust aku tunggu download pictures :P
haha. aku frust juga :o) Masa nak pergi, tak sempat ambil gambar. Masa balik, dah takde mekap. No point juga ambil gambar. haha.
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