Couple of months back I received a certificate of appreciation from them. Not to mention endless letter from Mr Youssouf himself telling me how my contribution had helped a 10 yo girl - who works as a brick breaker since she was 8 - go to school and learn to count. She is now able to tell when her boss (intentionally) miscalculate the brick, so he can pay her lower. *jahat..jahat*

Last time there were a group of celebrity came and join our activity. I didnt know him but since everyone snap their photo like crazy, so, here it is... I manage to get a few. Just to show it to my hubby and ask him, "Siapakah orang-orang ini?"

wah!! ada ryan gigs?!!!! apasal ko tak pi berdiri je belakang dia tuh!!!
good work nuyu helping the kids!!!!
what??! ko pun kenal? setakat ni aku sorg je la yg tak kenal...*sigh*
ye nuyu..yg omputeh itu ryan gigs, veteran man u star. satu lagik mamat gelap tu french-manuni-footballer-serius aku tak ingat nama.. biasala man u aku tak minat jadi tak heran hahaha
btw, teruskan usaha murni anda
Tq Tq... Nampaknya satu dunia kenal ryan gigs. Mungkin aku akan kelihatan lebih hebat kalau dapat bergambar dgn dia.
Ryan Gigs & Evra...Klau dpt berdiri sblh dia kira ok la...Kira agak rugi jugak x bergambar ngan dia. he he...
Ohh sori...nani & gigs klau x silap
Oh, man!!! Nampak begitu kerugian tak mengambil gambar dgn mereka ini.
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