Again, bought this in Sarawak. A plastic full. But now it is half full (positive...positive...). I am giving away one long necklace to one lucky Garlic & Butter reader. So, if you REALLY want this, email me your cutest photo. Just the photo. You don't need to paste any poster, be my follower, publish my link, write any story, etc etc like other [lame] blog contest giveaways.
Leave your blog address in my comment box. My fashionista cousin, Cuna, will choose the winner. Yes, she knows what she's doing. (btw, how often you came across people with the name C.U.N.A?)
Just to give you the idea on its length :
(Thanks to the sexy model, Miss Kristin Shamini)
kewl! but i have no blog
it is a good reason to start blogging then :o)
oooooo sexyyyy, nice one!!!
Sila participate ya, rocker Muslimah. I know u like longgg necklace.
Nadin : Fine. Fine. You can email me the PHOTO.
Everyone : siapa takda blog, just email me the photo. Masih ramai yang tak ada blog rupanya...LOL.
You paksa si Kristin jadi model you?? -MFakri
I lupa. i paksa ke dia sukarela... mmm...
y owh y semua email?? u guys should start blogging tau.
Congratulations Enna!!! I hope you like the necklace!!
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