Sunday, September 18, 2011

Oh, Nazreen

On our way back Balik Kampung on 2nd day of Raya.

Him : Mama, hari ni hari apa?
Me : Rabu.

(5 minutes later)
Him : Mama, hari ni hari apa?
Me : Rabu.

(5 minutes later)
Him : Mama, hari ni hari apa?
Me : HARI RABU, sayang.

And it went on and on and on from Kuala Lumpur to Muar. Luckily Mama was so patient that day because she has nothing much to do in the car except for sleeping (which Papa dont like - lol).

That night,

Him : Mama, hari ni hari apa?
Me : RABU, NAZREEN. Kenapa tanya banyak-banyak kali?
Him : Semua orang dalam radio dengan TV kata hari ini Hari Raya. Patutnya hari ni Hari Rabu, kan? kan?
Me : Mm.... (explaining for 10 minutes but he seems not satisfied with me saying that hari ini is also Hari Raya)

Before he went to sleep...
Him : Mama, hari ni hari apa?
Me : Hari ni hari Rabu, Nazreen.
and he sleep. Smiling. Satisfied.

Last two days...
Him : Mama, hari ni hari apa?
Me : Jumaat.

(5 minutes later)
Him : Mama, hari ni hari apa?
Him : Kenapa semua orang dalam TV cakap hari ni Hari Merdeka dengan Hari Malaysia? Hari ni Hari Jumaat, kan? kan?
Me : oh, Nazreen....

I have to go through the same old explanation over and over again.
Oh, Nazreen! You'll get the concept one day...


lina said...

Nurul - All the kids is same asking the same question repeated. :)

ShimM said...

lol. kids ask repeated questions as if they never ask it the first place. it must be tiring had to keep up with his wit n u also had to explain every single "WHY" questions with patience.

how old is nazreen anyway?

Nurul said...

Thanks for dropping by!

Nazreen is 4yo this year.

Nadiah said...

hehehe...sgt kelakar...

Nurul said...

he is.