We worked in the same field and she owns a Sew Retro Chic! blogshop. These are what she made me. Pin cushions. Yippie. If you like to sew, then u know how crucial it is to have pin cushions.
Nabil is into matryoshka nowadays. If the one with matryoshka gone missing, I know who's drawer to dig in! *lol*
And they have themes! Black and White Wonky Love, Bright Retro Sewing and Kawaii Japanese Matryoshka in Linen.
Her entry on these (here).
eeiih comelnye!!!!!
sah-ngat comel. aku tak sanggup nak cucuk pin di situ.
u know wat? tetiba aku berangan untuk menjahit pjs budak2 ni, sarung bantal comel-comel, auw..
tapi kan, sewing used to be my least favorite
Ko kena try dulu, AP... Silap2 addicted pulak.
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