This is my winning design. I designed this in two minutes while waiting for a document file to be transferred to my thumbdrive. Next thing I know, I turned on my laptop and email the design to the committee.

The winning Motto is - 1 Korporat, 1 Keluarga by Miss Irane Wiguna Idral.
KUDOS to all Corporate Club committee member for a smooth public voting and last public speaking session! With that, I pass the baton to Miss Kristin for the Emcee speech recitation session everyday.
PS : I was the coordinator for Public Speaking Session for the Corporate Club for the past 3 months. I called up two person every morning to talk on anything, for 3 minutes. Oh yes, they hated me. haha.
yup its really nice and simple....i like too
Thank you. And thank you to all who participated in the competition. Encik Surimi, Encik Ali, Amylia, Irane, Hafizi, and one mysterious person for the logo. EH, wait, Irane, WE FORGOT TO PUT THE MYSTERIOUS ENTRY ON THE BOARD!! *erk*
nice logo.. yippie!!! nuyu meanng!! hope menang yg design 21 tu jugak!!!
Thankz, Zoora. Alhamdulillah. Harus mengekalkan ke-sharp-an fikiran ni dlm design or else, habis la hilang skill2 yg develop masa kat KAED itu.
tahniah puan ..
suke sngt logo tu
ok je public speking tu..
x la smpai nk benci2..cuma..aktvt tu masih baru kt korporat..maybe for da 2nd round neh..lagi mantaopppp kot.heheheee..
owh... that was nice, MissP.
congratz puan nurul...saya dah sebarkan dalam facebook..logo baru tu..puan nurul,btol kata misp..takde org yg benci la..hehe
Thank you. That was nice too, Nura.
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