And I always end up wrapping [most of] them in fabric, instead of wrapping papers. Since I really love to sew, so I have tons of fabric (fat square, scraps, designers') at home. I like fabric because it is very dynamic, flexible and reusable. You can always use it or turn it into something else. (or you can give it back to me – to wrap other gifts). It is also the best way to go green. So, let's furoshiki!!

Finally..ap khabar nurul? Nurul cam mana nak buat not creative at all, tp suka la...
i'll post some of the finished products - sebab step-by-step is very clear dlm gambar tu.
oooh i like this. tapi sayangnya nak guna designer's fq for this....uhuhu....bagi kat diri sendiri je lah boleh?..ahaks...
furoshiki n mcm babywearing using a wrap! *like*
i know green people will like this!
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