Designer's bean bag for kids. Fits newborn to 5 years old. It will be available on my online store next year since the custom-made production will commences next month. Here's the sneak preview of the bean bag and my kid relax2 on it while watching TV. Very convenience. Comfortable. (Yes, only that size. That pattern/shape. But, different DARK colours available).
We had a drawing competition last Saturday (251008). There were six of us, - my eldest sister NO, my brother MI, me, my nephew HAZIQ, my niece SARAH and my son NABIL. My dad was the judge for this competition, carrying the theme ZOO. My mom was only a supporter. These are the entries (some of them are VERY ABSTRACT) and the last one is *ehem* the winning entry :o) - (it was actually disqualified because I finished it one hour after everybody completed theirs) - but win anyway...
My kids / nephew really insist to have their own Envirosax but they are too short for the bag. So, here it is... Sometimes it acts like an apron... and sometimes as a bib during meal time...
**green (baamaapaa) and black (mono fleurs) Envirosaxes in action.
Introducing ENVIROSAX... yeah... mye already have it :o)
I recycle, I do composting, I refuse to use plastic bag, I think before I buy, because I strongly FEEL I need to do my bit for the environment everyday. So, for today till next week, I will try to get as many people to buy the ENVIROSAX (just SMS me) because I'll be attending a course in Port Dickson, Malaysia and I can't do much for the environment when I stucked in the lecture hall for days...
I have not upload this in my online store. yet. Next week maybe. There are actually more, but ... mm... just make do for the time being.Need to prepare some gift sets now (Thanks Shahid for the order)..
First of all, thanks Sej. She emailed me 4 pics of Royal Selangor keychain (cum charm cum neck piece) and asked me to choose ONE design - it costs her a fortune, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR IT. She is into pewter very much and she said leather was so yesterday... iya ke? sob...sob...
So, here they are... I choose the first one with my full name engraved :o) For my office keys.
I was keychain-less since 2000. I have trouble searching for the most suitable key chain design that reflects ME. Last time, i have those cuddly little stuffs (stuffed green dinosaur and a green mouse), but I dont think it is relevant now. Am a mom and a diplomatic officer. Stuffed dinosaur/mouse??? Hanging from my handbag?? Nah...
Then, i came across my old whale pewter key chain with a dashed of green *thing* (dont ask, really didnt know the material). Last time it was a hit. That too, i throw away. Come on... whale??
Then come key chains from all over the world with the word like "Birmingham" or "Dubai" or "Victoria Stat***" or "Korea" or "Fremantle" and many more... Well, I dont promote places/products for free, so, take those out too.
I dont know... Why we need key chain anyway? (dont answer). Where is the most suitable place to hang the key chain (key-la *duh*)... I have a very brutal fren who settle for tokitoki... and a Datin in my office have these big funky furry thingy as a keychain... Ironic.
Tolong bagi idea. I need three for my car/house/office keys. *Since I am into leather right now, I really think leather keychain will suit me the most... Ideas?? What type of design is IN nowadays?*. Or you could just buy a key chain for me. I'll use it.
seeing the kids having fun in the car makes my exhaustion fades away... The last raya with two kids. Next year, there will be another baby seat in the middle (iya, MUAT, we've tried). Another *stressful* raya story to tell. haha... Nah, it was fun.Really. Thanks to my patience hubby. We went back to KL on the 3rd raya. We stopped by at Pulau Gadong, Malacca for the Meet Uncle Cepoi session. We have a safe journey home.
We were exhausted (actually I WAS). We decided not to join the crowd to JB. From Kluang, we went to Batu Pahat for Nazreen's first bowling trip and trip up-and-down escalator for 8 times. It was a stressful day for Nabil, tho :o) He was frustrated with the longkang and keep asking why the ball likes to go in the longkang. But, he got strike once and couple of spares. Then, we move up for another night in Muar *tiring*
This year we celebrate raya at my hubby's granny house @ Muar.
Hard to get a GOOD family portrait with two kids who prefer running around rather than wait for the cameraman to count... ONE ... TWO... THREE... Well, we tried. but to no avail :o) We went to MANY places last time (about 20+ houses in a day) but this year, the kids were pretty exhausted after 2 houses (and mommy wants some rest too), so we stayed back at Tok's house while others continue with their full-of-sugar journey. Then, we went to Batu Pahat... and overnight @ Kluang. *tiring* - well, the cloth organizer seems to be a VERY GOOD idea at this point of time.
(Notice the small one changed 4 times???) - it was actually 5 times. I missed the last one.
We got raya bottles for the kids (yes, accessories also have to be brand new... and BPA-free), now each have more than 10 bottles :o) We also did not bring any BALIK KAMPUNG BAG to kampung. One cloth organizer for kids and another one for mommy and daddy. Easier to dig in as to compare with bags. We left the organizers in the car and only took out neccessary stuff of the day (in the envirosax) because there are more than 100 peoples overnight in the house. We might lost our stuff (or kids) in that big crowd. .... And... let's not forget, long trip will not be completed without our platypus rehydration pack...
I was right
Refer to my previous entry: Will there be WW3? Finally, common sense
prevails. The US and Iranian leadership chose the right path: immediate