Beside my lil book of howtos, I also have an "Idea Book" that I keep in my drawer at the office. It is full of sketches and of course, ideas. One day, my dad browsed through the sketches and he saw "Syazwan chair". It actually an S-shaped chair [and the S is for Shamrizal - my dearest husband), but later I changed it to Syazwan, name of my kids.
5ive of us went to my in-laws house on Saturday and when we came back, my dad said,"Come here, I want to show you something". To my surprise.... I saw Syazwan chair at the corner of the porch. THE Syazwan chair. Yes, he hired a carpenter to build THE chair. They bought two types of wood, cengal emas and meranti. My dad chose cengal emas (it is a very solid wood and the chair is sooooo heavy!). They made the chair within a few hours.

I love it. I love it. I love it.
I can look at my hubby (OK, or my kids) whenever we spend our lazy Sundays - reading or chatting - on THE chair. It is easier to teach my kids to read and write, and suap nasi there.

I was informed that a couple of our neighbours dropped by and captured some photographs of THE chair during the construction.
cool nuyu!!!!!!!!!!!
nak jugak!!!!!!!!!
mmg sgt cool. haruslah aku me-materialised dan meng-comercialised semua sketches aku lps nih.
Iya. Iya. I received a few SMSes and emails. I know the S is terbalik. Cant blame the carpenter tho. The workmanship is superb! Very accurate.
oh wow, the syazwan chair is brilliant! more brilliant sbb u can materialize your ideas and sketch in such a short time!
*it looks like the chair can also be used kalau hubby n wify tengah merajuk with each other, tapi still nak duduk dekat2 utk make up after that... heheheh ala2 gaduh2 sayang gitu!
haha. tq tq.
ahahahaha...kayla nyer idea bukan main lagi!
Mye, kayla ni wanita romantik okeh... tengok kerusi pun buleh bayangkan benda2 romantik... miau
nuyu..why not ko patent kn chair nih..
baiklah. kalau prosesnya tidak leceh dan tidak menggunakan banyak wang, aku buleh consider.
nurul....i also really cool.
Thanks, all!! Tengah nak materialised-kan benda lain... Tapi malas nak buka mesin jahit. NEXT!!!
Nurul you’re gifted!!! sooooo creative....Can’t wait your next n3….keep update ya!
Then I should start now.
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