Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Recently I have to add these to my HAVE-TO-REMEMBER list :

Thursday, July 1, 2010
I need higher viewership for my competition entries!
Guys, pls view these a few times…. I need the highest viewership to win the Special Award!! Anyway, for those of you who didn’t know about this…. Here you go : I joined an Innovation Challenge. We are required to produce a 3-mins video to show the best solution based on the challenge statement - “Make your organization/workplace greener by using paper clip in your solution”.
Pls pls pls.
Important note : THE VIDS ARE KINDA FUNNY, really. WE MADE THESE IN A FEW DAYS – brainstorming, storyboard, casting, shooting, editing, model-making, etc. Eh, only a few hours after office je actually. We have something else in our mind but it turn out to be different due to time constraint. Huhu.. but, as long as my staffs were having a good time, it worth it….walaupun terasa malu terlibat secara direct dan menghadapi risiko menjadi bahan lawak selama setahun di rumah.
Remember, 50x ye.
Thanks! *lol*