I would like to thank a very nice neighbour of ours - ARIL, a 20yo gentleman who live across the street - for always been there for us. He helped us a lot in clearing out the house since April, taking care of our kids, paint some part of the house, be the first one to arrive whenever I had an encounter with ugly pests (and scream) and recently, he rented a lorry, drove it and move all furniture from my parent's to our new habitat, together with us. He never complaint. In fact he sings for us all the time.
This was the kids' first ride on a lorry. They were extremely excited. First trip - carry Atuk's sofa, a few cupboards and book shelves to our new habitat. Only 2km apart.

Although they are handful most of the time but they are very helpful when it comes to teamwork. (They were carrying their book shelves).

Second trip - carry quite a number of potted plants to Atuk's house. Nabil sat with his favourite Abang Aril, while others remained at the back of the lorry with the plants.
Third trip - another sofa and other small stuff. Atuk also gave us a huge frame of Quranic verses as a present. Nazreen joined Nabil and Aril at the front. The rest traveled by car.

It was tiring. We slept for the rest of the day. This was the most tiring moving in work so far, but we were satisfied to do all the work ourselves (of course with some help from Aril).
More on our MOVING IN Adventures! Click here.