Come and support (me)! My first program after being appointed as Head of ICT Bureau for PUSPANITA. It is open to outsiders as well, we only charged RM5.00 (yes, FIVE RINGGIT ONLY).
I am looking for blogger friends who wanted to promote their blogs / businesses by sponsoring *anything*. For the time being, I got sponsors for RED VELVET CUPCAKES, BUTTERSCOTCH BROWNIES / CONGO BARS, FRAMED KUFI and THUMBDRIVES. They are meant for speakers (the cupcakes) and for those who have guts to ask questions to the speakers.
If we received a lot, all participants could at least bring home one cupcake.... Just like OPRAH dan ELLEN, eh? No one go home empty-handed.

Well, what are you guys waiting for??? Register as participant OR sponsor anything (10 cupcakes/macarons/shawls pun ok!). Thanks!!!
where is dewan kristal kpkt??
KPKT Building, Presint 4 Putrajaya, near to PICC.
KPKT - Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan.
CUPSTER ( sponsor apa2?
30.11 kan?
hari kerja tu, tapi fortunately aku cuti. rasa macam menariks aaa, minat gak ni.
apa kena bawak selain sponsor itu ;)
Talk ni anjuran PUSPANITA. Ada 2 speakers - sorg Suraya dari Lunatots, she will talk abt breastfeeding/bisnes dia. Another one is shahabudeen jalil. The young entrepreneur yg mengasaskan kursus borong dari China/Vietnam kat Msia ni. 2 hours session. Ko bawa diri dan RM5 sahaja. Kalau nak sponsor, bagitahu awal sbb nak masukkan nama blog dlm teks ucapan dan slide. thanks!
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