Alhamdulillah. I manage to perform Qurban this year. One goat was all I can afford for the moment but it means a lot.
...The act of Qurban (Sacrifice) is carried out by millions of Muslims every year during Eid Al-Adha following the example of the father of Prophets, Ibrahim (AS).
Allah (SWT) says in the Quran: "It is neither their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah, it is your piety that reaches Him". (Al Qur'an, Ch:22 v:37)
The prophet Muhammad PBUH was asked "What is Qurban?", He answered, "It is the sunnah of your father Ibrahim (AS), for every hair of the Qurban you will receive a reward from Allah and for every hair in the wool you will receive a reward". (Hadith - Ibn Maja and Tirmidhi)....
(via net)
When it first arrived (we have someone else to slaughter and skinned it first), we (me, my husband, my brother and my dad) spent a couple of minutes STARING at the flesh, thinking where to start.
Then, we looked at each other and "You go first", "No, you go first", "How to do it?", "I think we better watch Youtube first", "Oh, I heard the telephone rang" (flee inside the house - NO, it actually doesnt rang) and "I am going to call up my friends to help". They involved in qurban at the mosque every year, but to do everything on their own for the first time, it kinda funny.
see??? Where to start?
Everything went well. My brother grilled some on the spot and later we distributed the rest to relative, friends and neighbours.
(small bite size for kids, large one for ME)
salam nurul - menarik kan..Insya ALLAH save some money for next year qurban :)
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