It felt so good to be able to hang out once in a while, sipping our favourite cappucino (frappe & italiano) and talk for hours at Cafe Barbera, KLIA. Just the two of us.
I was right
Refer to my previous entry: Will there be WW3? Finally, common sense
prevails. The US and Iranian leadership chose the right path: immediate
5 years ago
oh la barbera ganti cafe marche tu kan?
korg drive all the way to KLIA sbb nak minum coffee???
Yup. ganti marche.
I went there to renew my Pas Keselamatan KLIA ;p
salam Nurul - Betul la my husband minum sekali masa tunggu my mom balik dr mekah..sampai sekarang teringat coffee kat situ betul2 sedap :)
Kan? Kan? Mmg sedap. I heard Cafe Barbera ada chain kat Jalan Telawi, Bangsar. I never been there.
U guys can go dating2 there once in a while :o)
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