Wednesday, August 29, 2012


What I love when we went to my husband's kampung in Muar is the journey back to KL (dont get me wrong - keep on reading).

Because there will be A LOT OF stalls selling fresh exoskeleton-bearing aquatic invertebrates, READ: fresh siput sedut (obtuse horn shell / mud creeper), fresh kupang (green mussel), fresh lokan (clam) and fresh tiram (oyster) along Sungai Mati highway. Last time we went to Muar, I bought 10kgs of them and cooked them everyday for the whole week :) yummy!

I love them although I am allergic to seafood. Enjoy the photos.
Green mussel = kupang

 Clam = lokan. huge one.

Oyster = tiram. squeeze some lemon juice and it is good to eat. raw.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my fav too. sgt jeles ok.