Monday, April 21, 2014

food : cream biscuit + tomato stew

I made tomato stew last weekend (here) and last Sunday, my husband requested the same stew for lunch. Weee :)

We dont want to eat rice. And we ran out of bread. So I made....
Cream biscuits! It is a bit crispy at the outside but have a bread-y consistency in the inside. I grated cheddar cheese on top and sprinkle some chopped parsley. I supposed to knead them together with the dough but I forgot. I cut it into bite-size squares.
For the tomato stew, there are tomatoes (duh), garlic, celery, onion and a bit of herbs de provenceYummy.
Baby Nazmi loves it!


Anonymous said...

sis...can u give the cream biscuit recipi..looks yummy

Nurul said...

Dear sis, you can refer to the recipe here >

SOOOOO easy. good luck!