Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Book wrapping - half way

Book wrapping Sunday.
These are half of the books. For three kids. Two schools.
They have not received the other half - Nabil's activity books for primary school, everyone's activity books for sekolah agama and Nazran's textbook for primary school. Around 50 pieces more.
The yellow containers are the kids' organiser containers for flash cards, pool-related stuff, art supplies, head accessories, wires, sewing supplies. The kids also have one each as their keepsake box. I purposely bought the small one so it is easier for the kids to move it around.

My husband re-arranged the kids' room, took out everything, change the layout and our living room was a disaster on Sunday, with me sitting at one corner, wrapping these books. 

Baby Nazmi lost in the pile of stuff once in a while. Nabil will be the one checking Nazmi every 10 seconds. lol.

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