Just now I had a chat with EAROPH Executive Secretary, Mr Vincent, at his new office. He said that they need to clear a few books on Planning and Asset Management because (1) they are moving into new [smaller] office and (2) they will publish another book on Asset Management next year. These books are ONLY AVAILABLE from Mr Vincent & me. So, grab it while it lasts!

Author - KC Leong
Publisher - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Year published - 2004
Page - 238
Clearance price - RM60 (USD19)
Original price - RM90 (USD28)
Good book if you want to manage any type of assets effectively, not only office assets, but also applicable for home. It tells you some myths about assets, asset life span & life cycle and the ultimate outcomes of asset management. This book has been published in other languages and sold in a few countries. The content is relevant for...ever.
(2) Cities, Citizens & Civilisations
Author - Angela Yap & Patralekha Chatterjee
Publisher - UNDP
Year published - 2004
Page - 108
Clearance price - RM15 (USD5)
Original price - RM40 (USD13)
I REAAAALLLLYYYYY like this book. It contains FAQs on Good Urban Governance such as : What is the difference between local government and urban governance? What is meant by participatory urban governance? What is decentralisation? How did the concept of good governance evolve?
It is VERY INTERESTING. You dont have to be a planner or a policy maker to read the book. If you are an ordinary citizen of any part of the country, any country of the world, you can totally relate and you will have better understanding on your local government system. PLUS, the content was arranged neatly, with a lot of cartoons here and there. The size is small.. and cute.
I am one of the authors of this book. Wrote it long time ago. Where did you find a copy?
Please let me have your work email ID?
Patralekha Chatterjee
Dear Madam,
I am so surprised to get the comment from the author of the book!
I will email you personally.
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