My sons asked me how did I go to work everyday. Last weekend, I made this.
This is how I go to work everyday. I took RAPID KL to Putra LRT Station, then, I took a train (LRT Putra) to KL Sentral, then I change to another train, KLIA Transit to Putrajaya Sentral. There, I took NadiPutra bus to my office in Precint 4. Then, I have to walk a bit to my building. I have to punch in before 8.30am. What time I leave home everyday? You do the math (don't forget the waiting period for each mode of transportation ya!). If I missed the KLIA Transit, I will have to wait for another 27 minutes for the next train.

Then, they asked me how did I return from work because sometimes they picked me up at KL Sentral, sometimes at LRT Putra Terminal and sometimes I just came home in a taxi. They were confused. Instead of using the "back" arrow in the same drawing, in which will make them more confuse, I just explained by using this diagram. haha.

Well, I enjoy the trip to the office everyday. I can finish one book in one week because there is nothing much to do in the trains/buses. I can read while I am sitting or standing. I enjoy the view outside. I learn new fashion, admire some handbags, drool on some heels especially when I am on the train. It is a very exciting trip everyday.
People might say it is tiring, waste of time and waste of energy. It is not tiring at all. In fact, it feels so good to be GREEN and knowing that I've produce lesser carbon footprint every single day. Just be positive.
whoa! Pagi : Papa Ambil??
like 1am? 2am? 2 in the morning? like when people are sleeping that time, u went home from work?
are you crazy?
girl, i hope you can get transfer anytime soon! traveling like this is a real pain!
but i salute you.
Hi Madeline.
Thanks for reading my blog.
Part of me is liking it. and there is a part of me .... telling me to think positive :)
salam Nurul - Masya ALLAH...Really..really salute you...I can see my husband drive to the same destination as your work place....really he look so tired...But then yes...agree with you think positve. The journey that we have to face it no matter what kan..
Take care ...semoga (jihad kecil) perjalanan kalian senantiasa dlm peliharaan dan perlindunganNYA serta dipemudahkanNYA dlm segala apa yg kalian lakukan keranaNYA. Insya ALLAH
Thanks, kak Lina.
Driving is tiring esp when you're in crazy traffic congestion after exiting MEX.
When I have tons of works to bring home (kalau 1-2 file pun), I will drive to work. I can commute in buses/trains with HANDBAG only. Lebih dari tu adalah penat nak pegang.
oopppss, i like ur it!
hihi tq
Nurul , you can become a great teacher!..Very well explain to the kids according to the drawing...sure they get A++ all the time Insya ALLAH. I’m glad that the’ creative hand’ given by the creator to the selected person like u..nurul ..subanallah AMAZING absolutely !
InsyaAllah... mmg tgh cari tempat dan ruang masa utk buka kelas SENI untuk kanak-kanak.
Tabahnya ko nok
hmmm... semalam aku drive gi ofis. drive balik 3jam. aku rasa org2 yg drive lagi tabah
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