Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How I repaired a badly-scribbled school exercise book in 10 minutes

I came back from the office and Nabil told me that Nazreen and his cousin, Sarah scribbled his school exercise book. I thought it was just a tiny scribble that I can tear the page off and no one will notice.

But the problem was more serious than that. We got people with guns and swords, bazookas, a giant snail, racing car and a couple of girls with funky hairdo. All dangerous stuff.
I found these on every single page. In red pen. Except for the one with Agama exercise. I grab a new exercise book and took off the staples for both books.
I took out the scribbled pages and replaced them with the new set of papers. I stapled the existing paper and the new set together. It was completed in less than 10 minutes.
Good as new.
Nabil was so proud that her mom can do wonders. He'll figure it out one day.

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