Monday, June 1, 2015

iM4u 2015 : The Prep

I have a very good team this year.
I was away for 3 weeks attending courses and my assistants managed to complete all important tasks. I am no longer a micromanager :)
Two days before, I was struggling with the speech for the Minister, brief for the Deputy Minister and some small scale designs for money envelopes and charity bags. 

In the afternoon before the day, I went to the Minister's house to brief his spouse on the programme. Then we went straight to the site. The tents were up, hampers were ready, all items for Free Market has been carefully transported to the site and I manage to finished the media statement (the best PRO was in my room to invite the media at the very last minutes) as well as MC script before I headed home at 8.30pm. 
I have a very good sleep that night knowing everthing is ready for the big day tomorrow :)

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