Thanks Mye, Puan Sri and Adam for a great farewell dinner!!
It was not that authentic (with mayonnaise / thousand island), but the food is nice
Soft shell crab temaki. A must have. We were disappointed to found out that they ran out of salmon that evening.
em.. potato salad?
shy tempura
unagi on Japanese tofu
chicken teriyaki and tofu
rice, salad & i dont know
spicy fried rice - it came with the set
some kind of fish
crispy salmon skin salad
soft shell crab sushi

sedapnya nampak.
i love food, including japs food.
Sedap. Mmg sedap. Skrg ada promo set untuk 2 orang, RM52.00.
But kena call dulu sbb dah dua kali pergi, SALMON dan SHISHAMO tak ada. Sangat membantutkan mood.
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