Friday, May 18, 2012

Nazreen sold a car

Nazreen got a new toy. A white car. He was so proud and he brought it to his preschool, to show it to his friends. One of them really like the car.
Kalau nak ni, kena beli. Kena bayar, he said. (If you want this, you got to pay for it)
The next day, his friend gave him a thick stack of (monopoly) money. And the car was sold to that boy.
I am so proud that my son shows early interest in automotive industry and he just had his first business transaction at 4 years old. Go Nazreen!


Mye said...

Hahahah, kelakar giler ok, both nazreen and his friend!!!

Pandai pulak gi cilok monopoly nyer duit. Hahahahahah lawakkkk sangat!

zura said...

Terharunyaaaaaa teary eyesssss