Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Nesting : Bookshelves

I love books. When I was 7 months pregnant, my nesting instinct made me wipe and re-arrange all books on our bookshelves :) As what I usually do every 6 months. That was what I love most during pregnancy. The house will be super-neat and spotless.

These are our books on the bookshelves (a few are my brother's). Cooking books are in the kitchen. The current ones are at my office and my husband's workstation.

On religion.
On womanhood, parenthood, health. I read all pregnancy books during all pregnancies (all books khatam four times). I also khatam breastfeeding books TWICE when I breastfed my babies (3 x 2 = 6). On my way to my 7th. lol. Paranoid, eh? I think all moms/mom-to-be need to have basic knowledge about pregnancy, birth, baby, kids, etc so you will not be so stressed out dealing with those old folks' pantang larang which sometimes have no scientific basis at all.
On business, work.
Architecture and environmental design book collection. I want to sell some architecture books to architecture students at a very reasonable price. 
My husband's photography books. There are more at his workstation. I need to remove the square thing to squeeze in the rest afterwards.
His photography magazine subscription.
My aunt's and cousin's magazine collection. My husband keep it for reference esp on poses for commercial / wedding photography.
His comic books ;) We already have two (or three? is it four?) boxes of them and the number is growing. The most recent one will be on his workstation. After a few weeks, I will put it at the bookshelves. Then it will go into the box.
Etc shelf.
The photos are a bit yellowish because we installed warm yellow petite chandelier in that area. I know, I know it defeat the purpose of the reading corner ;p
If you are interested to borrow my book (sorry, I cant lend you my brother's), do not hesitate to contact me or just drop a comment here. I can post it to you, but you have to bear the postage fee, ya?


mye said...

ahhh... Islam in Focus - buku teks masa matrik. hehe.

Nurul said...

yes. kelas ustaz kelantan yg selalu kata "We cannot choose a feather" (kita tidak boleh memilih bulu).

shaFienaz said...

Ustaz Salam kan nama dia.. dia ada column dlm paper skrg ni :) Nuyu, klu ko nk jual yg arch books, bgtau harga ye... leh aku beli utk kolej aku :)

nuyu said...

nanti aku hantar message ke mu.